EFWISG: Plasmid-mediated resistance: Exploring the effect of antibiotics and transfer dynamics in water environments
Bacterial infection EFWISG: Plasmid-mediated resistance: Exploring the effect of antibiotics and transfer dynamics in water environments
23 January 2025
EFWISG: Food chain resistomes and the factors influencing thereof
Antimicrobial resistance EFWISG: Food chain resistomes and the factors influencing thereof
15 October 2024
ESGEM / EFWISG: Genomic surveillance of resistance and food-borne diseases
Diagnostics ESGEM / EFWISG: Genomic surveillance of resistance and food-borne diseases
25 September 2024
EFWISG and ESGEM: The ICU environment contributes to the endemicity of the "Serratia marcescens complex" in the hospital setting
Bacterial infection EFWISG and ESGEM: The ICU environment contributes to the endemicity of the "Serratia marcescens complex" in the hospital setting
12 July 2024
EFWISG/ESGEM: Population-scale plasmid genomics in One Health
Infection prevention & control EFWISG/ESGEM: Population-scale plasmid genomics in One Health
29 May 2024
EFWISG: Dispersal limitations and the geographical reach of antimicrobial resistance based on sewage metagenomics
Antimicrobial resistance EFWISG: Food Safety and One Health: transmission of AMR and potentially uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) from animal sources
23 February 2024
EFWISG: Bioinformatics for fighting infectious diseases
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship EFWISG: Bioinformatics for fighting infectious diseases
29 November 2023
EFWISG: Hepatitis E diagnosing and surveillance - experience of the "One Health" approach twelve years after the confirmation of human HEV-3 in Croatia
Viral infection EFWISG: Hepatitis E diagnosing and surveillance - experience of the "One Health" approach twelve years after the confirmation of human HEV-3 in Croatia
15 September 2023
EFWISG-ESGEM The use of genomic approaches for population studies and outbreak surveillance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli
Infection prevention & control EFWISG-ESGEM: The use of genomic approaches for population studies and outbreak surveillance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli
21 June 2023
EFWISG: Foodborne Viruses and Food Safety
Infection prevention & control EFWISG: Foodborne Viruses and Food Safety
30 March 2023
EFWISG: Wastewater analysis as a source of health information: The COVID-19 pandemic as an example
Infection prevention & control EFWISG: Wastewater analysis as a source of health information: The COVID-19 pandemic as an example
23 January 2023
EFWISG Educational Websymposium: Planning your research and manuscript writing more efficiently
Other EFWISG Educational Websymposium: Planning your research and manuscript writing more efficiently
04 October 2022
EFWISG: Comparison of new diagnostic techniques multiplex PCR and WGS enteric infection surveillance with conventional diagnostic procedures
Infection prevention & control EFWISG: Comparison of new diagnostic techniques multiplex PCR and WGS enteric infection surveillance with conventional diagnostic procedures
EFWISG: Food Safety and One Health: transmission of AMR and potentially uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) from animal sources, Online
EFWISG: Food Safety and One Health: transmission of AMR and potentially uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) from animal sources
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