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17 April 2023 - P2922
Mpox infection investigation using multiplexed syndromic diagnostics: evaluation of a commercial multiplexed tandem PCR (MT-PCR) syndromic panel
17 April 2023 - P2929
Monkeypox virus (Mpox) outbreak in Berlin: implementation of molecular diagnostics
17 April 2023 - P2930
Monitoring of adenovirus viral load and impact on prognosis of haematological patients
17 April 2023 - P2927
Evaluation of an enteric viral RT- PCR assay in diagnosis of infectious gastroenteritis
17 April 2023 - P2931
Evaluation of an automated method for the extraction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), for the exploration of anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) T-cell immunity
17 April 2023 - P2923
Differential diagnosis of measles discarded cases within MoRoNET surveillance network, Lombardy (Italy)
17 April 2023 - P2925
Comparison of three different quantitative PCR assays for monkeypox virus detection
17 April 2023 - P2928
BKPy virus nephropathy and high level DNAemia in relation to ABO-incompatibility and genotype in kidney transplant recipients
23 April 2022 - L0027
A disseminated adenovirus presenting as febrile neutropenia in a kidney transplant recipient: a case report
23 April 2022 - L0028
First recombinant rubella spike ectodomain (E1-E2) antigen for highly specific infectious disease diagnostics
23 April 2022 - P0084
SARS-CoV-2 infection in vaccinated HCWs: clinical, immunogenicity and clearance
23 April 2022 - P0085
Dengue virus diagnosis by high sensitivity portable differential impedance sensing electronic platform
23 April 2022 - P0086
Performance characteristics of a fully automated, random-access qPCR assay for monitoring BKV DNA in plasma and urine specimens
23 April 2022 - P0087
Performance characteristics of an automated, fully random-access human adenovirus (HAdV) qPCR assay for monitoring HAdV DNA in plasma specimens
23 April 2022 - P0088
Performance of a new high-risk HPV genotyping assay which combines isothermal amplification and real-time fluorescent detection on cervical swabs and FFPE tissues
23 April 2022 - P0089
A non-alcohol medium for rapid and traditional nucleic acids extraction for detection of HPV in vaginal self-collected samples
09 July 2021 - 1538
Early prediction of plasma leakage in severe dengue by vascular endothelial released protein
09 July 2021 - 3377
HPV diagnosis in men from proper specimen collection to reliable results
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