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16 April 2019 - P2576
Mapping the healthcare structures and the practice of guidelines for infection prevention and control staff in the Dutch-German border region in 2016
16 April 2019 - P2393
Molecular characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus from bloodstream infections at a university hospital in the Netherlands
16 April 2019 - P2764
Phenotypic differentiation between Klebsiella pneumoniae SHV-1 hyperproducers and ESBL-positive K. pneumoniae
16 April 2019 - P2851
RNA-seq analysis of the effects of mprF and vraS non-synonymous point mutations associated with daptomycin-resistance on Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome
15 April 2019 - P1476
Characterisation of beta-lactamase CMY-2 gene and bacteriocin-encoding plasmids of ST131 ExPEC using MinION and Illumina sequencing and evaluation of its potential role in the virulence mechanisms
14 April 2019 - 384018
Personalized diagnostics: from test results to answers in clinical microbiology
14 April 2019 - O0516
Detection of a mobile colistin resistance (mcr-5) gene in hospital tap water using short- and long-read shotgun metagenomics sequencing
14 April 2019 - P1350
Persistence on inanimate surfaces of OXA-427 and GES-7-producing Citrobacter freundii clones on a haematology ward
14 April 2019 - P0856
A bioinformatic tool for in silico determination of Shigella spp. serotypes from whole-genome sequencing data under development
14 April 2019 - O0595
Next-generation sequencing of the 16S-23S rRNA region compared to culture and 16S rDNA Sanger sequencing for the identification of bacterial species in clinical samples
14 April 2019 - O0444
Understanding dengue genetic dynamics in the context of consecutive outbreaks in Venezuela
14 April 2019 - P1349
Virulence profiling of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from Spain and the Netherlands using whole-genome sequencing
14 April 2019 - O0394
Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: whole genomic and phenomic investigation of the traits that favoured the predominance and shift to OXA-23 producing IC2 isolates
14 April 2019 - P0851
Comparison of risks and disease outcomes of Shigella spp. and entero-invasive Escherichia coli: results of a two-year cross-sectional study
14 April 2019 - P0858
Phenotypic and genomic characterization of Shigella spp. and entero-invasive Escherichia coli isolates from a two-year cross-sectional study in the Netherlands
13 April 2019 - O0106
Validation of a patient referral network analysis tool for infection control in a cross-regional outbreak of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium
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