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18 April 2023 - P3401
Chromoblastomycosis with pulmonary involvement caused by Cladophialophora carrioniii after JAK inhibitor therapy: a rare presentation
18 April 2023 - LB110
Identification of toxigenic C. diphtheria nasopharyngeal carriage in asymptomatic residents of an accommodation centre for asylum seekers, Austria, October 2022
18 April 2023 - O1105
Mupirocin-based decolonisation for Staphylococcus aureus carriers and the subsequent risk of mupirocin resistance in haemodialysis patients: a longitudinal study over 2 decades
17 April 2023 - O0979
Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC): effective against Helicobacter pylori, safe for gut bacteria
17 April 2023 - E1063
The prevalence of carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) in Israeli post-acute care facilities (PACFs)
17 April 2023 - P2541
Factors associated with MDR carriage at ICU entry of patients infected with COVID-19: retrospective cohort analysis
17 April 2023 - O0866
Steep decrease in the carriage of pneumococcal serotype 6C in Belgian children attending day-care centres two years after the switch from PCV10 to PCV13
17 April 2023 - E1073
An update on faecal carriage of Enterococcus species by healthy humans unveils E. lactis as a predominant highly bacteriocinogenic species
17 April 2023 - P3148
Carrier-mediated delivery of amphotericin-B through mannosylated liposomes for effective management of leishmaniasis
17 April 2023 - P2254
Staggered vs simultaneous administration of meropenem and amikacin in combined therapy against carbapenemase-carrying Klebsiella pneumoniae: may dosing schedule influence the initial decrease in the bacterial load?
16 April 2023 - E0452
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus throat carriers: effectiveness of decolonisation treatment and risk factors for chronic carriage
16 April 2023 - P1300
Reduced pneumococcal carriage among older adults following COVID-19 lockdown in Denmark
16 April 2023 - P1582
Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage in children attending daycare centres in the Faroe Islands, 2022.
16 April 2023 - P1192
Comparative analyses of virulence gene carriage in Klebsiella variicola and Klebsiella pneumoniae
16 April 2023 - O0437
Global phylogeography and genomic surveillance of carbapenem-resistant ST15 blaOXA-232-carrying Klebsiella pneumoniae
16 April 2023 - P1214
Temporal spread of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii KL49-IC5 high-risk clone carrying blaOXA-72 over 17 years in a nosocomial setting
16 April 2023 - P1791
Dynamics of pneumococcal 23B1 subtype carriage, associated penicillin non-susceptibility, and invasiveness in Belgium
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