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30 April 2024 - P3299
Assessment of using linked electronic surveillance data to replace mandatory reporting of healthcare-associated infections in England
29 April 2024 - E1018
Development and validation of the baseline recurrence risk in cellulitis (BRRISC) score
28 April 2024 - P0805
Identifying populations at increased risk of E. coli bloodstream infections
26 April 2022 - O0832
Mortality risks associated with empirical antibiotic activity in E. coli bacteraemia: an analysis of electronic health records
25 April 2022 - O0599
Fluoroquinolone resistance in a global compendium of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates
24 April 2022 - O0493
Genome wide association study reveals pathogen genomic factors associated with patient outcome in Escherichia coli bloodstream infections
16 April 2019 - P2527
Caveat emptor: endocarditis admissions, cases, and the potential pitfalls of electronic health record studies
15 April 2019 - O0861
Prediction of pyrazinamide resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using structure-based machine learning approaches
14 April 2019 - P1224
Longitudinal sampling of patients and wastewater sites in an endemic blaKPC-carbapenemase context demonstrates high levels of colonisation, genetic diversity and rapid genetic flux
13 April 2019 - P0255
Fidaxomicin, unlike conventional treatment options, reduces Clostridium difficile  environmental contamination during and at the end of therapy
13 April 2019 - O0275
Metagenomic nanopore sequencing for the detection and genomic characterisation of influenza and other RNA viruses direct from respiratory samples
13 April 2019 - P0106
Nanopore metagenomic sequencing of full length human metapneumovirus within a unique sublineage
25 April 2017 - P1920
Clostridium difficile laboratory investigation findings from an enhanced surveillance study in North Wales following a period of increased incidence of C. difficile infection
24 April 2017 - OS0780
De novo prediction of trimethoprim resistance and susceptibility in S. aureus using alchemical free energy methods
24 April 2017 - P1177
Are shorter antibiotic courses associated with increased risk of readmission in acute/general medicine inpatients?
23 April 2017 - OS0296
Rapid reshuffling of Tn4401 transposon variants and plasmids carrying blaKPC in Klebsiella pneumoniae ST196 within a single hospital outbreak
22 April 2017 - EV0478
Investigating colonization of the intestinal microbiota with carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae using a clinically reflective in vitro gut model
22 April 2017 - EP0184
Cluster investigation of Clostridium difficile infection using whole-genome sequencing and multi-locus variable number tandem-repeat analysis: a head-to-head study
22 April 2017 - P0494
Prevalence and genetic diversity of blaKPC-isolates identified in sink drains and p-traps in an intensive care unit
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