How to apply systems thinking to practical implementation and measurement of antibioticstewardship programs
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship Antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention and control, Nov 2024 (AMS Cert.)
07 November 2024
Physician / Pharma relationship in antibioticstewardship
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship Ethical Dilemmas in Infectious Diseases: in Clinical Practice, Research and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS Certificate 2024)
17 April 2023
All for one and one for all! Prevention, diagnostic, and antibioticstewardship to reduce the burden of AMR: guidance in real cases
Infection prevention & control ECCMID 2023
17 April 2023
Disruptive innovations in the sepsis patient pathway and the impact on antibioticstewardship
Other ECCMID 2023
16 April 2023
Antibioticstewardship around the globe
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
Antibioticstewardship: anything you always wanted to know
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
Antibioticstewardship for urinary tract infections: challenges and opportunities
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship ECCMID 2023
26 April 2022
Addressing global disparities in antibioticstewardship: strengthening LMICs
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship ECCMID 2022
25 April 2022
Antibioticstewardship in hospitals and primary care
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
24 April 2022
Impact of rapid diagnostics for community-acquired acute respiratory tract infections (CA-ARTI) on antibioticstewardship
Diagnostics ECCMID 2022
23 September 2020
Antimicrobial Usage Patterns and Bacterial Co-Infections in Patients with COVID-19 vs Influenza in a U.S. Tertiary Care Hospital - An Important Target for Stewardship Efforts.
23 September 2020
COVID-19: effect on the hospital-acquired bloodstream infections
23 September 2020
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital consumption of antimicrobials
23 September 2020
Trends of selected intravenous antibiotics prescription during the covid-19 pandemic in a 100-bed tertiary private hospital in Dubai- UAE
23 September 2020
COVID-19: effect on antibiotic consumption along Andalusian public nursing homes.
23 September 2020
Effect of the pandemic by COVID-19 on the consumption of antimicrobials in Primary and Hospital care in Andalusia, Spain
23 September 2020
Implementation of an antibioticstewardship program targeting ceftriaxone use in COVID-19 patients: a fast response in the middle of the pandemic.
23 September 2020
Carbapenem, reserved antibiotics and antimicrobial stewardship programs during COVID-19 era: has something changed?
23 September 2020
Use of antibiotics among patients with COVID-19 in a tertiary hospital with an advanced antimicrobial stewardship programme.
23 September 2020
Colonization of candida species in patients admitted to the intensive care unit in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
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