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30 April 2024 - P3915
Taking a travel history is not explicitly mapped to undergraduate curricula across the UK
29 April 2024 - P3088
Documentation of initial health assessments for people seeking asylum presenting to an infectious disease clinic in a tertiary infectious diseases centre
28 April 2024 - P1196
Most patients referred to a british infectious disease clinic with possible Lyme disease have a different final diagnosis: no change in the last decade
27 April 2024 - P0179
Oedema volume on admission may predict poor outcome in HSV-encephalitis, varies in reliability across aetiologies and lower oedema volumes
18 April 2023 - P3246
Repeated infliximab therapy to treat a case of severe paradoxical reaction in a South African HIV negative patient with tuberculous meningitis and spinal arachnoiditis
20 October 2021 - 2
An overview of zoonosis: Europe
20 October 2021 - 4
An overview of zoonosis: The Americas
09 July 2021 - 768
What do people hospitalised with COVID-19 think about their care? Results of a patient satisfaction survey in Liverpool
16 April 2019 - O1119
The health seeking behaviour of patients with encephalitis prior to hospitalisation: results from the ENCEPH-UK, a programme of inter-related studies in the UK
14 April 2019 - P0816
Understanding and improving the outcome of encephalitis: results from ENCEPH-UK, a multi-centre prospective cohort study in the UK
23 April 2018 - O0730
In vitro pharmacodynamics of fosfomycin-based combinations against clinical isolates of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter species
22 April 2017 - EV0179
A qualitative study of the problems experienced by primary care physicians in admitting patients, with suspected encephalitis, to hospital
09 April 2016 - P0118
A novel scoring system for assessing neurological damage in acute encephalitis on magnetic resonance images
09 April 2016 - EV0179
Bacteraemia in very elderly patients in the emergency department
12 May 2014 - P1460
A pilot study of the change in temporal lobe volumes in herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis using stereological techniques
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