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17 April 2023 - P2469
One-fourth of COVID-19 patients have an impaired pulmonary function after 12 months of illness onset
23 April 2022 - P1339
Antimicrobial target attainment and pharmacokinetics of cefotaxime in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT
11 July 2021 - 2387
Household transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2: the COVID HOME study
11 July 2021 - 1876
Long COVID and post-viral fatigue syndrome in non-hospitalised individuals: the COVID HOME study
09 July 2021 - 1422
Symptomology of COVID-19 during the first 6 months after illness onset: a longitudinal cohort study of mild, moderate and severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection
23 September 2020 - P283
The COVID-HOME study: Prospective cohort study of non-hospitalised COVID-19 patients. Part II: patient clinical development at home
15 April 2019 - P1967
Pharmacodynamic target attainment of beta-lactam antibiotics in ICU patients: a multi-centre, prospective PK/PD study
23 April 2018 - O0805
A majority of ICU patients treated with ciprofloxacin does not achieve the pharmacodynamic target: a prospective PK/PD study
23 April 2017 - EP0355
Beta-lactam and quinolone pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target attainment in critically ill patients (EXPAT)
26 April 2015 - O072
A pharmacokinetic evaluation of co-trimoxazole 960 mg once daily in TB patients
25 April 2015 - EV0143
Comparison of the in vitro drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to amikacin and kanamycin
11 May 2014 - O072
Evaluation of manual versus automated inoculation
30 April 2013 - P2427
Vibrio vulnificus strains from outbreaks in Dutch eel culture since 1996: molecular genotyping, antibiotic resistance and zoonotic impact
28 April 2013 - P1533
End-user trainable automatic antibiotic-susceptibility testing by disc diffusion using machine vision
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