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23 April 2022 - O0141
Long-term protease inhibitors in patients living with HIV might prevent COVID-19 infection: a prospective multi-centre cohort study
23 September 2020 - P396
Positive predictive value and specificity of self-reported loss of smell for the diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 infection
23 September 2020 - P472
Post COVID-19 syndrome: The experience of a French infectious diseases center
27 September 2019
Who should be treated for hepatitis B in 2019?
27 September 2019
Difficult to treat patients: do they still exist?
16 April 2019 - O1198
Undetectable HIV viral load is associated with a lower incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events in HIV/HCV co-infected patients
14 October 2016
State-of-the-art of Hepatitis C treatment- news from EASL and AASLD recommendations
14 October 2016
Current HBV epidemiology – far from eradicated disease
26 April 2015 - P0540
Changing causes of hospitalization of people living with HIV, within 10 hospitals in the southern Paris area ("COREVIH Ile de France Sud")
25 April 2015 - ENC018
ESGVH - ESCMID Study Group for Viral Hepatitis
25 April 2015 - EV1075
Factors associated with decrease in liver stiffness in patients with liver cirrhosis enrolled in the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort
06 March 2015
EASL and AASLD recommendations: what’s new?
06 March 2015
Epidemiology and risk factors of acute HCV
01 March 2014
Hepatitis B in the immunosuppressed patient
28 February 2014
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients in the era of direct acting antivirals
03 April 2012 - O596
Incidence of end stage liver disease and causes of deaths in a cohort of HIV/HCV-infected patients in France: HEPAVIH ANRS C013
16 May 2009
Clinical cases and discussion on guidelines for HIV and hepatitis coinfection
19 April 2008
How to treat HBV mono-infected patients?
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