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13 April 2019 - P0443
Investigation of a hypervirulent phenotype in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates: preliminary findings
09 April 2016 - O149
First reporting of Chikungunya virus as well as West Nile virus and mosquito-specific flaviviruses in field-collected mosquitoes from Mediterranean, Aegean, and Thrace regions, Turkey
28 April 2015 - EV0595
Isolation, genetic characterization and seroprevalence of newly discovered sandfly-borne phleboviruses in Turkey
26 April 2015 - P0632
Sequences of a novel phlebovirus characterized in a case with febrile disease, Ivory Coast, West Africa
26 April 2015 - P0451
Determination of phenotype and genotype of clarithromycin resistance in Helicobacter pylori strains: Hacettepe experience
10 May 2014 - SY095
Emerging tick-borne viral infections
10 May 2014 - P0450
Molecular detection of Salehabad / Adria virus in sandflies and West Nile virus in mosquitoes from eastern Thrace, Turkey
10 May 2014 - P0460
Antibody responses and viral load in patients with with Crimean-Congo haemorhagic fever: a comprehensive analysis during the early stages of the infection
28 April 2013 - P2336
Investigation of West Nile virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus and Toscana virus in a cohort of patients with central nervous system infection and/or febrile diseases: ongoing activity of Toscana virus genotype A strains in central Anatolia, Turkey
28 April 2013 - P2334
Cross-sectional flavivirus surveillance reveals West Nile virus lineage 1 strains in Culex pipiens sensu lato and Ochleratatus caspius mosquitoes (Diptera:Culicidae) from Eastern Thrace region, Turkey
02 April 2012 - R2679
Ongoing circulation of a novel sandfly fever virus variant, sandfly fever Turkish virus in Ankara province, Turkey
02 April 2012 - P2015
Relation of the viral load and laboratory and clinical findings in Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
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