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29 April 2024 - P1576
Susceptibility testing for Enterococcus species other than E. faecalis and E. faecium using EUCAST methodology and breakpoints
29 April 2024 - P1618
Evaluation of EUCAST breakpoints and methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of cefiderocol
29 October 2023
AST for difficult bugs and difficult drugs
28 October 2023
Antimicrobial phenotypic susceptibility testing
15 April 2023 - P0328
Additional EUCAST RAST breakpoints for Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae
15 April 2023 - P0399
Toxigenic and non-toxigenic Vibrio cholerae can share the same MIC breakpoints
15 April 2023 - P0391
EUCAST disk diffusion testing of anaerobic bacteria: expanding the range of antimicrobial agents
15 April 2023 - P0348
Corynebacterium diphtheriae and C. ulcerans: development of clinical breakpoints using EUCAST methodology
15 April 2023 - P0484
Novel resistance mechanisms in beta-lactamase-negative non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae with identical penicillin binding protein 3 but varying susceptibility to aminopenicillins
15 April 2023 - P0334
New CLSI and EUCAST harmonised procedure for selecting optimal disk contents for disk diffusion testing
15 April 2023 - P0956
Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae major outer membrane protein P5 contributes to bacterial membrane stability, and affects the membrane protein composition crucial for interactions with the human host
28 September 2022
Antimicrobial phenotypic susceptibility testing
23 April 2022 - P0722
Evaluation of gradient tests for MIC determination of six beta-lactam antibiotics in Streptococcus pneumoniae using a CCUG/EUCAST collection of S. pneumoniae with defined susceptibility
23 April 2022 - P0754
The quality of ten brands of pre-poured commercial Mueller Hinton plates for disk diffusion: a EUCAST evaluation
23 April 2022 - P0766
The EUCAST rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing method directly from positive blood culture bottles: extending the incubation to 16-24 hours for five important sepsis pathogens
23 April 2022 - P0752
Development of EUCAST MIC and zone diameter clinical breakpoints for Vibrio spp.
23 April 2022 - P0768
A simple and sensitive method for controlling the anaerobic environment of anaerobic incubation
23 April 2022 - P0755
The impact of incubation time on teicoplanin and vancomycin MIC values in Staphylococcus aureus and S. epidermidis
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