ESGMAC: Research and clinical aspects of Chlamydiales and Mycoplasma
Bacterial infection ESGMAC: Research and clinical aspects of Chlamydiales and Mycoplasma
06 November 2023
ESGMD: Malaria vaccines and diagnosis
Diagnostics ESGMD: Malaria vaccines and diagnosis
18 April 2023
Infectious disease diagnostics in the light of new regulations on in vitro diagnostics (IVDR)
Diagnostics ECCMID 2023
17 April 2023
Spanning the diagnostics portfolio: an in depth look at outcomes and use cases benefitting different patient populations
Other ECCMID 2023
26 April 2022
Let's not forget about atypical bacterial respiratory pathogens
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2022
24 April 2022
All about intracellular and rare bacteria
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Within-host evolution of SARS-CoV-2 leading to casirivimab/imdevimab monoclonal antibodies treatment escape in an immunocompromised patient: successful treatment with convalescent vaccine-boosted plasma
23 April 2022
Multi-centre technical validation of 30 rapid antigen tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 (VALIDATE)
09 March 2022
Innovative diagnostic technologies and their relevance to veterinary diagnostics
Diagnostics Emerging laboratory and point-of-care technologies for detection of AMR and bacterial infection in veterinary medicine
23 February 2022
Little bugs, big data: from current LIS/LIMS software to pathogen surveillance
Other Pre-ECCMID Day on Diagnostics
14 October 2021
Bacteraemia in elderly: the added value of diagnostic labs
Bacterial infection Infections in the elderly – from bench to (beyond) bed
28 September 2021
Challenges with current microbiological diagnostics and opportunities with NGS to provide some insight on patients prognosis by looking at the virulome
Diagnostics, Basic microbiology Next-generation sequencing in routine clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
24 April 2017
Recent revolution in diagnostic bacteriology
Diagnostics ECCMID 2017
11 April 2016
What is new in 2015 – 2016? From diagnostic microbiology to emerging pathogens
Other ECCMID 2016
25 April 2015
MALDI-TOF: what is new?
Diagnostics ECCMID 2015
25 April 2015
Bacterial genomics: usefulness for diagnostic microbiology
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