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30 April 2024 - P3946
Development and evaluation of an artificial intelligence tool to keep standard operating procedures up to date with guidelines: a test case on hospital infection control
28 April 2024 - P2559
Mixed-method approach to determine additional off-label indications for specific antimicrobials: an example with ceftaroline
17 April 2023 - P2406
Incidence and predictors of adverse drug events during outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT): a retrospective multicentre study to inform laboratory testing
16 April 2023 - P1683
Targeting 16S rRNA by reverse complement PCR next-generation sequencing: specific and sensitive detection and identification of microbes directly in clinical samples
15 April 2023 - P0958
Relating bacterial characteristics in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia to clinical manifestations and outcome: a retrospective cohort study
23 April 2022 - L0212
DutchAMS masterclass & specialised infectious disease care everywhere (SPICE) programme: combining behaviour change approach and implementation expert support for effective antimicrobial stewardship
23 April 2022 - P1185
Next-generation sequencing for routine identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria
23 April 2022 - P1445
Learning from the Red Line program in India on the labelling of antibiotics: a qualitative interview study exploring experiences of the general public, pharmacists, and policy-makers
23 April 2022 - P0148
Minocycline boosts the activity of recommended treatment regimens for Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease in a dynamic hollow-fibre system
23 April 2022 - P0271
Culture-based antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent infectious complications in men undergoing transrectal prostate biopsy: a randomised controlled trial
23 September 2020 - P148
Comparative performance testing of respirator versus surgical mask using a water droplet spray model
16 April 2019 - P2723
Prostate biopsy prophylactic measures: a nationwide survey among urologists in the Netherlands
15 April 2019 - P2021
Antibiotic access and use in low and middle income countries: confusion about which pill is an antibiotic?
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