ESGVH: Hepatitis C Virus in Special and Vulnerable Populations
Viral infection ESGVH: Hepatitis C Virus in Special and Vulnerable Populations
27 April 2024
The alphabet of hepatitisviruses
Viral infection ESCMID Global 2024
18 April 2023
Disseminated sporotrichosis and mycobacterial disease: challenging opportunistic infections in a human immunodeficiency virus-hepatitis B virus co-infected patient in Malaysia
Case reports and case series ECCMID 2023
20 September 2022
ESGVH: Occult hepatitis B virus infection
Infection prevention & control ESGVH: Occult hepatitis B virus infection
25 April 2022
Hepatitis D Virus: the neglected viral hepatitis
Viral infection ECCMID 2022
16 March 2022
Management of HBV and other hepatitisviruses
Immunology & vaccinology Safety of targeted and biological therapies: an Infectious Diseases perspective
15 April 2019
Sequence-based typing of hepatitis A virus for multi-country outbreak detection
Infection prevention & control ECCMID 2019
25 April 2017
The hepatitis B virus receptor
Viral infection ECCMID 2017
27 April 2013
Hepatitis B virus infection and pregnant women (interactive case study)
Viral infection ECCMID 2013
27 April 2013
New direct-active antiviral agents for hepatitis C virus infection in previous treatment failure patients
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