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15 April 2023 - O0147
High prevalence of inherited chromosomally integrated human herpes virus type 6 (ici-HHV6) detected in cerebral spinal fluid from children with HHV6 detection by a meningitis/encephalitis multiplex panel
23 April 2022 - P1082
Validation of two real-time PCR Kits for the detection of herpes virus 1, herpes virus 2 and Treponema pallidum in a comparative retrospective observational study
International survey of human herpes virus 8 screening and management in solid organ transplantation
13 April 2019 - P0673
Guillain-Barré-like syndrome during human herpes virus 6 reactivation in a patient affected by mantle cell lymphoma recently treated with bendamustine
23 April 2017 - P0785
Evaluation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria as a risk factor involved in human herpes virus 8 (HHV8) infection in Uganda
22 April 2017 - EV0576
Differential quantitative diagnosis of human alpha herpes viruses by qPCR
09 April 2016 - EV0109
Methods to improve the quality of herpes virus detection and quantification by NAT
09 April 2016 - EV0128
Post-mortem detection of six human herpes viruses (HHV1-HHV-6 in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia)
09 April 2016 - P0106
Performance of BIO-FLASH HSV IgM on Biokit’s BIO-FLASH® analyser
09 April 2016 - P0107
Availability of 24/7 rapid HSV PCR test directly impacts acyclovir exposure in pediatric patients
09 April 2016 - P0108
CE-IVD validation of CMV ELITe MGB® assay in combination with ELITe InGenius™, an innovative sample-to-result solution for quantitative transplant pathogen monitoring
09 April 2016 - P0109
Quantification of cytomegalovirus DNA in whole blood samples using two molecular methods: plx® CMV DNA assay vs Q-CMV real-time complete kit
09 April 2016 - P0110
Comparison of CMV patient quantitation using the Abbott RealTime CMV (ART) and cobas Ampliprep cobas TaqMan CMV assay (CAP/CTM)
09 April 2016 - P0111
An evaluation of the fully automated DxN VERIS system for the detection of CMV DNA in multiple specimen types
09 April 2016 - P0112
Role of the IL28B rs12979860 C/T single nucleotide polymorphism on the incidence of active cytomegalovirus infection in autologous stem cell transplant recipients
09 April 2016 - P0114
Are Epstein - Barr virus viral load results comparable between laboratories: evidence from UK NEQAS EQA panels
09 April 2016 - P0115
Evaluation of the diagenode H-DiaEBVQ real-time PCR quantitative kit
09 April 2016 - P0116
Evidence of human herpesvirus-6 and -7 reactivation in miscarrying women with pityriasis rosea
09 April 2016 - P0118
A novel scoring system for assessing neurological damage in acute encephalitis on magnetic resonance images
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