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30 April 2024 - P4295
An atypical and rare case of primary facial palsy caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae and literature review
30 April 2024 - P4082
Community-acquired meningitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) in an immunocompetent patient: case report and literature review
30 April 2024 - P4261
Is artesunate related to pancreatitis? Description of a case report and review of literature and pharmacovigilance databases
30 April 2024 - P3955
ReferenceSurfer: a bibliometric algorithm to identify underpinning original research in literature review and its application in reviewing beta-lactam pharmacodynamic targets
29 April 2024 - P3016
Rodent-adapted Cryptosporidium infections in humans: seven new cases and review of the literature
29 April 2024 - P3041
Congenital malaria in a non-endemic setting: a literature review and update on diagnosis and management
29 April 2024 - O1070
Mycobacterium avium lung disease presenting as solitary pulmonary lesion with elevated FDG uptake: report of two cases and literature review
29 April 2024 - P2790
Association between allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and tuberculosis: a systematic review of 397 cases in literature
29 April 2024 - P3010
Bacterial-mucorales interactions and antimicrobial resistance during mucormycosis: literature search and in vitro observations
29 April 2024 - P1491
The global burden of infections caused by metallo-β-lactamase- producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales: results of a targeted literature review
29 April 2024 - P2796
Association between allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, aspergillus sensitisation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review of 369 cases in literature
28 April 2024 - P0980
Quality of life associated with pneumococcal disease: a targeted literature review
28 April 2024 - P0684
When atypical does not mean uncommon. Mycobacterium fortuitum infection in breast surgery with prosthesis implant: case report and literature review
28 April 2024 - P0790
Prevalence of extracardiac vascular complications in Abiotrophia spp. and Granulaticatella spp. infective endocarditis: a single-centre experience and a systematic review of the literature
28 April 2024 - P0850
Prevalence of Escherichia coli resistant to piperacillin/tazobactam causing bloodstream infections in human adults after treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam: systematic review of literature and experience of a tertiary level hospital in Italy
27 April 2024 - P0553
Comparative effectiveness of the mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines among older adults: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis using the GRADE framework
21 September 2023
Checking the literature: what reviews and meta-analyses can tell you
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