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18 April 2023 - LB106
Opisthorchiasis: socially significant helminthiasis in Ukraine
17 April 2023 - P3038
Multiplicity of helminth infection is positively associated with markers of lung tissue degradation in TB-helminth co-infection: a case-control study from Peru
16 April 2023 - E0480
Prediction of helminthiases in travellers and migrants with eosinophilia in Stockholm: a cohort study
24 April 2022 - O0433C
Monitoring soil-transmitted helminth infections in treated and non-treated individuals over three years of community-wide mass drug administration within the Geshiyaro project in Ethiopia
23 April 2022 - P1614
Evaluation of a commercial multiplex rt-PCR assay for the molecular diagnosis of intestinal helminths
23 April 2022 - O0177
Effects of ivermectin mass drug administration for malaria vector control on ectoparasites and soil-transmitted helminths
23 April 2022 - O0132
Helminth infection induces IgE secretion associated with elevated biomarkers of pulmonary destruction in human tuberculosis
23 April 2022 - L0268
Monitoring patterns of systematic non-treatment of mass drug administration through biometrically verified populations: a longitudinal study of soil transmitted helminth and schistosomiasis control in Ethiopia
09 July 2021 - 1841
Evaluation of the AllplexTM Gastrointestinal Panel – Helminth(I) Assay for the detection of helminths and microsporidia in stool samples
09 July 2021 - 2266
Surgical helmets harbour common pathogens that can be distributed to the sterile field
14 April 2019 - O0578
A retrospective study of British military Q fever cases from Helmand, Afghanistan in 2008-2015
13 April 2019 - P0175
Helminth serology testing pathways could make significant savings in non-endemic healthcare settings
23 April 2018 - P1383
Patients with Chagas disease follow up: an opportunity to rule of helminth infections
21 April 2018 - E0091
Soil-transmitted helminth infection: risk factors, prevalence and health consequences in communities of the Bijagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau
12 April 2016 - P1658
The efficacy of albendazole against soil transmitted helminths after a decade of mass drug administration
11 April 2016 - EP0193
The cervico-vaginal microbiome in Chlamydia trachomatis exposed women: a case-control study at the sexually transmitted infection outpatient clinic in Amsterdam
11 April 2016 - P0564
Comparative evaluation of Bailenger stool concentration assays for the detection of helminth and protozoa parasites
17 March 2016
Common helminthic infections in the Middle East
25 April 2015 - S094
Helminthic infection, coinfection and hyperinfection
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