The ethics of contact precautions: is isolating patients ethical? Is gowning necessary?
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship Ethical Dilemmas in Infectious Diseases: in Clinical Practice, Research and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS Certificate 2024)
12 June 2024
The significance and design of isolation rooms in modern hospitals
Other Safer Hospitals in the Future: Design, Ventilation, Water and Sustainability
28 April 2024
Origins of Bacillus subtilis strains isolated from blood cultures: insights from a single-centre retrospective study on traditional Japanese fermented soybeans Natto
Bacterial infection ESCMID Global 2024
02 November 2023
Typing lab perspective, clinical and environmental typing. How many isolates from environmental and clinical cultures, the use of PCR on environmental samples in outbreaks
Infection prevention & control An introduction to healthcare associated waterborne infections: ecology, prevention, mitigation and control
16 April 2023
Minimum inhibitory concentrations of 38 antibiotics against ten rarely isolated Mycobacterium species
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2023
16 April 2023
Impact of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-positivity in urine isolates on outcomes in female patients with uncomplicated urinary tract infection
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2023
16 April 2023
Modelling risk for multidrug-resistant urine Escherichia coliisolates in outpatient females by age, co-morbidities, and antecedent urine culture with resistant E. coli
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2023
16 April 2023
Similarities and dissimilarities in molecular biology of clinical polymyxin-carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniaeisolates during an outbreak: single center prospective surveillance
Diagnostics ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
Diversity of clones and plasmids of NDM-1 positive Escherichia coli clinical isolates in Central Greece
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
Insights into cefiderocol susceptibility of clinical multidrug-resistant isolates
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
Decreasing proportions of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production in urine and blood Escherichia coliisolates in Finland during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a nationwide surveillance network
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2023
18 May 2022
Strategies to tackle the virulence and antimicrobial resistance in Acinetobacter baumanniiisolates across One Health
Antimicrobial resistance Post-ECCMID Day on Antimicrobial Resistance
23 April 2022
In vitro activity of tedizolid against Nocardia spp. isolated in Japan
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Effectiveness of risk assessment and early isolation of staff contacts to COVID-19
23 April 2022
Characterisation of group A streptococcal isolates of invasive origin from Sri Lanka
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
The prevalence of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniaeisolates in Ukraine
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Characteristics of the non-epidemic sequence type (ST) 23PasAcinetobacter baumanniiisolates in China
Basic microbiology ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Novel multi-resistant IncC plasmid carrying blaOXA-181 identified in two different E. coli strains isolated from the same human patient
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Genomic survey on the emergency of ST93 clinical Klebsiella aerogenes isolates from a Portuguese hospital centre
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Toxin-producing Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates: where are we in a university hospital of western Normandy?
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