The development of drug direction: underscoring antimicrobial vs. anticancer – a profit matter?
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship Ethical Dilemmas in Infectious Diseases: in Clinical Practice, Research and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS Certificate 2024)
28 April 2024
Antibiotic hetero-resistance: does it matter?
Basic microbiology ESCMID Global 2024
27 April 2024
Design does matter: prevention through creating a microbe-safe hospital
Infection prevention & control ESCMID Global 2024
17 April 2023
Clinical Microbiology and Infection: COVID-19 research that matters
Other ECCMID 2023
16 April 2023
Preventing influenza and its complications: why randomised studies matter
Other ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
What really matters in antifungal resistance
Fungal infection ECCMID 2023
25 April 2022
What matters in the fight against COVID-19: how to keep high levels of protection in a multivariant environment?
Other ECCMID 2022
10 July 2021
Time matters: how to expedite the management of bloodstream infection and sepsis
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2021
23 September 2020
Clinical cutaneous features of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 hospitalized for pneumonia: a cross-sectional study
23 September 2020
A Matter of Time - Exploring Time Between Events in the COVID-19 Disease Course
22 April 2017
Multilevel analyses: when the context also matters
Other ECCMID 2017
10 April 2016
New strategies for HIV care
Viral infection ECCMID 2016
10 April 2016
Is Europe ready for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PreP)?
Viral infection ECCMID 2016
10 April 2016
From HPV to shingles: vaccinations for HIV-positive adults
Viral infection ECCMID 2016
10 April 2016
Epidemiology and cascade of care in Eastern vs Western Europe
Viral infection ECCMID 2016
09 April 2016
Formulating recommendations with GRADE: a matter of confidence
Other ECCMID 2016
25 April 2015
Short and long-term outcomes of bloodstream infections in the elderly - what matters and how best to evaluate?
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2015
13 May 2014
Definitive therapy for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: MIC matters?
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2014
12 May 2014
Vancomycin MIC in MSSA and MRSA. What does it mean and does it really matter?
Basic microbiology ECCMID 2014
27 April 2013
The extent and reason why MRSA is more common in men
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