Case series and literature review of acute cerebellitis post varicella infection in paediatric patients
Case reports and case series ECCMID 2023
23 April 2022
Patterns of post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis in patients living with HIV: results from a national survey and literature review
Parasites & international health ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Disseminated Cryptococcus neoformans complicating severe SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report and review of the literature
Diagnostics ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Prophylactic isavuconazole for invasive fungal infections: results from a systematic literature review
Fungal infection ECCMID 2022
23 September 2020
Prolonged SARS-CoV-2 Shedding in Six COVID-19 Patients more than 6 weeks: Case Series and Literature Review
23 September 2020
Hand hygiene and facemask use to prevent droplet transmitted viral diseases during air travel: a systematic literature review
23 September 2020
Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, management and outcomes of COVID-19 infection in children: a scoping review of the literature up to April 2020
23 September 2020
Remote risk stratification of dyspnoea in acute respiratory disorders and applications for COVID-19 and future pandemics: a systematic review of the literature
22 April 2018
Promotion of infection prevention: interventions for improving health literacy in the elderly population
Other ECCMID 2018
22 April 2017
Navigating the published literature - what level of evidence is needed before implementing an intervention in your hospital?
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