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27 April 2015 - P1121
Prevalence and susceptibility of microorganisms causing bacterial gastroenteritis in Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid
27 April 2015 - P1120
Study of contamination of sanitary conveyor in poultry processing slaughterhouse in Brazil
27 April 2015 - P1118
Isolation and antibiotic susceptibilities of Yersinia enterocolitica strains from horses slaughtered in northern Italy
27 April 2015 - P1119
Cross-sectional study on the bacterial contamination of water sources in Gabon (central Africa) in 2013
27 April 2015 - P1116
The epidemiology of Shigella species in England & Wales between 2007 and 2012
27 April 2015 - P1117
Use of typing to define endemicity of Shigella flexneri in Nova Scotia, Canada
27 April 2015 - P1115
Simkania negevensis in patients with Crohn's disease: preliminary data
27 April 2015 - P1114
Time trends in positivity rates of Campylobacter spp. in Switzerland
27 April 2015 - P1113
Prevalence of virulence genes in strains of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from foods and humans in the Czech Republic
27 April 2015 - P1112
Epidemiological and molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Napoli isolated in northern Italy (2009-2013)
27 April 2015 - P1111
Serotype distribution, epidemiological relationship and prevalence of beta-lactamase genes and virulence factors in ampicillin-resistant clinical Salmonella enterica isolates
27 April 2015 - P1110
Dispersion of acquired copper and silver tolerance genes among Salmonella non-typhoid serotypes mostly belonging to widespread multidrug-resistant clones
27 April 2015 - P1109
Clonal dynamics of clinically relevant multidrug-resistant Salmonella Typhimurium, S. 4,[5],12:i:- and S. Rissen in the last decade
27 April 2015 - P1107
Incidence and pathological significance of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in a one-year cohort study of Danish children in day care
27 April 2015 - P1106
Isolation frequency and susceptibility pattern of non-O1 and non-O139 Vibrio cholerae in a tertiary health care laboratory, 1999-2012
27 April 2015 - P1105
Tetracycline-resistant Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype El Tor serotype Ogawa with altered El Tor is prevalent in civil line zone, Delhi, India
27 April 2015 - P1104
Use of conventional and molecular methods for isolation and characterization of Vibrio cholerae from acute diarrhoea cases and water samples
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