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17 April 2023 - P2625
Dual anti-viral treatment for chronic COVID-19 in immunocompromised hemato-oncological patients is associated with a favorable prognosis and few side effects
15 April 2023 - E0091
Impact of a simple cleaning intervention to prevent transmission of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales from hospital sinks
14 September 2022 - P4-15
Hidden resistances: How routine whole genome sequencing uncovered an otherwise undetected blaNDM-1 gene in Vibrio alginolyticus isolated from imported seafood
23 April 2022 - P0477
In vitro surveillance of eravacycline against Gram-positive pathogens, including resistant isolates, collected worldwide during 2020.
23 April 2022 - P0614
Susceptibility of Gram-negative pathogens to eravacycline collected during 2020 from the USA, Europe and Asia/Pacific
16 April 2019 - P2589
Whole-genome sequencing to elucidate population structure and antimicrobial resistance genes of Serratia marcescens clinical isolates
22 April 2018 - P1207
Transcriptional profiling and antifungal resistance mechanisms of Candida auris biofilms
22 April 2018 - P1209
De novo transcriptome assembly and annotation for analysis of the emerging pathogen Candida auris
22 April 2018 - P1229
Quantitative performance of P. jirovecii over the past five years
22 April 2018 - O0571
Whole-genome sequencing to detect and characterize nosocomial transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms: a new paradigm for hospital infection prevention and control
22 April 2018 - P1210
Understanding the role of biofilms in recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) and their impact on therapy
22 April 2018 - P1099
Implementation of combined epidemiological and genomic surveillance of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Victoria, Australia
21 April 2018 - P0318
External quality assessment of laboratories using MALDI-TOF MS for identifying Candida auris
21 April 2018 - P0314
Skin and surface disinfection challenges for the emerging pathogen Candida auris
23 April 2017 - P0527
Candida auris is highly virulent and can form biofilms: a new level of resistance
22 April 2017 - P0074
A multicentre workflow evaluation of the Luminex® ARIES® system: comparison to automated sample-to-answer and manual molecular diagnostic platforms
22 April 2017 - P0257
Combined genomic and epidemiological investigation of a state-wide, multi-institution outbreak of KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae
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