Implementing an antimicrobial stewardship program in Humanitarian contexts: examples from Médecins Sans Frontières in Central African Republic, Niger & Bangladesh
Education in Ukrainian: Translated Learning Materials Antimicrobial stewardship in in low and middle-income countries
21 May 2024
Ethics and contestation of Hansen discovery
Bacterial infection Leprosy: back to the future
28 April 2024
Contezolid demonstrated equivalent efficacy to linezolid in tuberculosis treatment in an early bactericidal activity study
Bacterial infection ESCMID Global 2024
02 February 2024
Deployment of Medical countermeasures in the context of resource limited settings - Experiences from 2022 Ebola Outbreak
Infection prevention & control Diseases of Poverty in the Modern Era
17 April 2023
Pending challenges in contemporary HIV care
Viral infection ECCMID 2023
17 April 2023
FilmArray and Maldi-TOF in context of remote-created antimicrobial stewardship program,e in a tertiary hospital in a low/middle income country: which is they real place in?
Antimicrobials, PK/PD & stewardship ECCMID 2023
15 April 2023
The rise of invasive fungal infections: contemporary approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis
Other ECCMID 2023
08 July 2022
Enterobacterales plasmids in a One Health context: Here and there, or everywhere?
Other Moving beyond single species outbreaks: the role of mobile genetic elements
08 July 2022
Plasmid mobility (or not) across species and serovars
Other Moving beyond single species outbreaks: the role of mobile genetic elements
23 April 2022
Lefamulin activity against a contemporary global collection of Staphylococcus aureus (SENTRY 2020-2021)
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
Antifungal activity of isavuconazole and comparator agents against contemporaneous Mucorales isolates from USA, Europe, and Asia-Pacific
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2022
23 April 2022
In vitro evaluation of delafloxacin activity against contemporary European isolates from community-acquired pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infections: results from the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (2018-2021)
Bacterial infection ECCMID 2022
09 July 2021
Contemporary issues in the diagnosis of parasitic infections
Parasites & international health ECCMID 2021
23 September 2020
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Zagreb, Croatia, 2020 in the 'One Health' context
23 September 2020
Colonization of candida species in patients admitted to the intensive care unit in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
23 September 2020
COVERS Study: clinical diagnosis of COronavirus VERSus other causes of acute respiratory infection in the context of SARS-CoV2 outbreak
14 April 2019
Emerging infections preparedness research in a One Health context
Antimicrobial resistance ECCMID 2019
23 April 2017
Contemplating an end to the HIV epidemic - what is left to be done?
Viral infection ECCMID 2017
22 April 2017
Multilevel analyses: when the context also matters
Other ECCMID 2017
09 April 2016
Improving efficiency of randomized controlled trials
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