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16 April 2023 - P1936
Short tandem repeat genotyping reveals high relatedness between Dutch flucytosine resistant Candida tropicalis isolates
23 April 2022 - P1049
Determining the period prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis using a multiplex real-time PCR on urogenital and urine specimens submitted to Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
23 April 2022 - L0215
Detecting inappropriate total duration of antimicrobial therapy using semi-automated surveillance
09 July 2021 - 4689
Infection with low pathogenic bacteria is associated with a higher diabetic foot amputation risk in the TOOL cohort
09 July 2021 - 2565
COVID-19 outbreak at the adult haemodialysis department of a tertiary care hospital in The Netherlands
23 September 2020 - P148
Comparative performance testing of respirator versus surgical mask using a water droplet spray model
16 April 2019 - P2153
Killing of Candidaauris by UV-C: importance of exposure time and distance
15 April 2019 - L0054
Coxiella burnetii epitope-specific T-cell responses in chronic Q fever patients
11 April 2016 - EP0190
Increased microbial diversity in paediatric patients with Dientamoeba fragilis infection
11 April 2016 - O472
Early detection of necrotizing enterocolitis by intestinal microbiota composition
11 April 2016 - O384
ERCP duodenoscopes in Dutch ERCP centres: high prevalence of bacterial contamination despite reprocessing
11 April 2016 - O467
Discrepancy between upper and lower respiratory tract microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis
10 April 2016 - O237
Complications and long term-follow-up of fecal microbiota transplantation for treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection
09 April 2016 - EP0041
Gram-positive bacterial sepsis induces platelet reactivity and platelet-monocyte aggregation, in contrast to Gram-negative bacterial sepsis
09 April 2016 - EV0525
Microbiota-based IBD diagnostics proved robust for inter-clinic variation
27 April 2015 - O173
Distinct microbiota at first presentation of paediatric-IBD and reversal at remission
13 May 2014 - P1498
Interspace microbiome profiling (IS-pro) enables differentiation of IBD subclasses and disease activity by specific loss of bacterial diversity
13 May 2014 - O203
Microbiota profiling in children with functional constipation
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