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01 April 2001
A public campaign for a more rational use of antibiotics
01 April 2001
Is a less expensive broad-spectrum antibiotic less effective than a carbapenem for the treatment of secondary peritonitis?
01 April 2001
Processes and outcomes of care for patients hospitalized with community acquired lower respiratory tract infection
01 April 2001
Patients' compliance and cost effectiveness of oral antibiotic treatment in hospitalized patients with skin and soft tissue infections
01 April 2001
Assessment of whether the guidelines on management of pharyngitis in adults are applicable in general practice
01 April 2001
Telithromycin treatment of CAP is associated with lower usage of additional RTI-related antibiotics than high-dose amoxycillin in a randomized, double-blind, comparative trial
01 April 2001
Biliary infections-cost-effectiveness analysis of ceftriaxone vs. standard antibiotic therapy
01 April 2001
Resource use and cost of care for patients hospitalized with communityacquired pneumonia in France
01 April 2001
Cost and outcomes of care for patients hospitalized with communityacquired pneumonia in Northern Italy
01 April 2001
Economic evaluation of linezolid for the treatment of cellulitis in the USA: decision-modelling results
01 April 2001
Efficacy and cost analysis for the treatment of secondary peritonitiscomparison of ceftriaxone vs. standard therapy
01 April 2001
Angioplasty increases target site concentrations of ciprofloxacin in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease of the lower limbs
01 April 2001
Experimental and conformational analysis of the interactions between the antifungal butenafine and lipids
01 April 2001
Stability and compatibility study of ceftazidime for administration by continuous infusion in intensive care patients
01 April 2001
Loading dose concept and use of metoclopramide premedication to reduce time to therapeutic drug levels with oral itraconazolel
01 April 2001
A new method to determine the postantibiotic effect indexl
01 April 2001
Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in patients undergoing chronic haemodialysis
01 April 2001
Lung tissue penetration and plasma pharmacokinetics of azithromycin after multiple oral doses of 500 and 1000 mg in adults
01 April 2001
Tonsillar tissue penetration and plasma pharmacokinetics of azithromycin after multiple oral doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg in paediatric patients
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