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15 April 2019 - P2057
In silico discovery of antibiotic resistance patterns and artificial intelligence-based decision support systems for rational drug use
15 April 2019 - O0708
Atypical pathobiome of prosthetic joint infections revealed by hybrid approaches of shotgun metagenomics
14 April 2019 - O0399
De novo mutations in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis pathways reveal the colistin resistance mechanism in Acinetobacter baumannii strains
13 April 2019 - P0603
Towards microbiome-based liquid biopsy: oral microbiota harbours highly accurate biomarkers of lung cancer
24 April 2018 - P2340
First report and high prevalence of ndm gene among Escherischia coli in northern Jiangsu province, China
23 April 2018 - P1418
Whole-genome sequencing reveals recently acquired virulence islands in Ralstonia mannitolilytica isolated from high-risk patients
22 April 2018 - O0593
Potential microbial biomarkers of lung cancer
22 April 2018 - P0934
Comparison of antimicrobial resistance-gene diversity in gut microbiome of healthy individuals from Turkey,  Europe,  America and China
21 April 2018 - P0155
Can combination disks with EUCAST potencies for cefotaxime and ceftazidime be used for confirmation of ESBL in Enterobacteriaceae?
24 April 2017 - P1087
A high resistome diversity in a metropolitan hospital wastewater in Turkey revealed using shotgun metagenomics
24 April 2017 - OS0777
Rapid pathogen detection in ambiguous infections using real-time nanopore sequencing technology 
22 April 2017 - P0311
An alternative vancomycin resistant enterococci decolonization strategy: bacteriophage therapy
22 April 2017 - EV0489
Molecular characterization of clinical Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates from a  tertiary care hospital in Kayseri, Turkey
12 April 2016 - P1733
Clonal diversity and virulence characteristics of UPEC strains with their adhesion capability on Caco-2 and A-498 cell lines
11 April 2016 - P0988
Susceptibility of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli to commercial bacteriophage coctails originated in GE
09 April 2016 - OLB03
Human as a source of colistin resistance: presence of the mcr-1 gene in the gut microbiome
09 April 2016 - EP0277
Sewage treatment plants cause artifical selection of ESBL-producing E. coli threatening public health
09 April 2016 - PLB37
Colistin-resistant Gram-negative pathogens lacking the mcr-1 gene isolated from clinical specimens of hospitalized patients in Turkey
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