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23 April 2018 - O0858
Metrological characterization of the reproducibility of MALDI-TOF MS for bacterial strain typing
09 April 2016 - P0292
Typing of multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains using high resolution MALDI-FTICR MS
09 April 2016 - P0293
Molecular epidemiology of Providencia spp. harbouring  NDM carbapenemase in AR
09 April 2016 - P0294
Population structure of Enterobacter cloacae complex collected from outpatients of county hospitals in CN
09 April 2016 - P0295
Capsular genotyping of bovine mastitis Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) based on sequences of the capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) gene cluster
09 April 2016 - P0296
Antimicrobial resistance and molecular characterization of capsular types and CRISPR1 loci of group B streptococci recovered from a colonized female adult
09 April 2016 - P0297
In vitro activity of ceftazidime-avibactam and comparators against Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Europe 2012–2014
09 April 2016 - P0298
Integrated analysis pipelines for whole-genome MLST and whole-genome SNP in BioNumerics® 7.6 applied to publicly available Listeria monocytogenes isolates
09 April 2016 - P0299
Genomic determination of minimum multi-locus sequence typing schemas for Mycoplasma hominis to represent genomic phylogeny
09 April 2016 - P0300
Detection of lag-1 gene and MAb3/1 in Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 strains
09 April 2016 - P0301
High genetic diversity among Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates from single hospitals; multiclonal outbreaks or genotypic profile changes during subcultures
09 April 2016 - P0302
New ST profile identified in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia resistant to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim:  ST 144
09 April 2016 - P0303
Increased prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 15A isolated from sputum with reduced antimicrobial susceptibility in Scotland, UK: a comparison of isolates associated with invasive disease
09 April 2016 - P0304
Introduction of virulent African clon ST3081 Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 in Catalonia
09 April 2016 - P0305
Phenotypic diversity and molecular characterization of Cronobacter sakazakii isolates from environmental and food sources
09 April 2016 - P0306
Band pattern analysis of mutations observed in rifampicin resistance strain of M. tuberculosis complex by line probe assay
09 April 2016 - P0307
Virulence potential of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in Buruli ulcer patients
09 April 2016 - P0308
Is it time to re-assess the utility of thermonuclease for the identification of S. aureus?
09 April 2016 - P0309
Clone-specific epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus in sub-Saharan Africa and Germany
09 April 2016 - P0310
In silico determination of spa type using the blastn tool implemented in MIST
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