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30 April 2024 - P3307
Time-saving water monitoring -qPCR-based detection of up to 15 Legionella cells per mL within 4 hours
23 April 2022 - L0142
Rapid CSF analysis using a commercial multiplex PCR assay leads to improved AMS interventions, significant cost savings and a reduction in morbidity and mortality
10 July 2021 - 4274
Time to positivity in bloodstream infection is not a prognostic marker for mortality: analysis of a prospective multi-centre randomised control trial
10 July 2021 - 3534
Performance of T2 magnetic resonance (T2MR) for the diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSI) in paediatric patients
10 July 2021 - 1356
Presentation of an automated high-standard microbiological diagnostic workflow to process orthopedic tissue samples
10 July 2021 - 3874
A new integrated and fast tool based on host response to rule out serious bacterial infection in febrile children at the paediatric emergency department
10 July 2021 - 1116
Direct identification of microorganisms from positive blood cultures: comparison of three different short culturing methods to the Rapid Sepsityper® workflow
10 July 2021 - 2077
Targeting quorum-sensing pqs system for diagnosing Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
10 July 2021 - 2180
Decreasing the time to diagnosis: next-generation sequencing in blood to detect disseminated nontuberculous mycobacteria
09 July 2021 - 3530
Introduction of algorithm-based targets determination using GenMark Dx® ePlex blood culture identification system improves sepsis management, aids early antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) interventions, results in significant cost savings and reduces health
16 April 2019 - O1189
Culture change: formation of a multidisciplinary Sepsis Pathway Project Team (SPPT) results in a reduction in blood culture contamination rates, improves outcomes in sepsis care, and leads to significant cost savings
15 April 2019 - P2008
The impact of penicillin skin testing on aztreonam stewardship and cost savings in immunocompromised cancer patients
13 April 2019 - P0175
Helminth serology testing pathways could make significant savings in non-endemic healthcare settings
13 April 2019 - O0098
Continuous monitoring of isolation precautions by big data analytics is time-saving and provides valuable insights for infection control
21 April 2018 - P0283
Potential cost savings opportunities with targeted iclaprim (ICL) compared to vancomycin (VAN) among hospitalized patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infectious due to potential avoidance of VAN-associated acute kidney injury
24 April 2017 - P1266
Cost-saving opportunities among hospitalized patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections with omadacycline, a once-daily antibiotic with IV-to-oral transition capability, relative to current standard of inpatient care
24 April 2017 - P1265
Economic impact of omadacycline among acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs) patients: cost-saving opportunities due to avoidable hospitalizations using an antibiotic with IV-to-oral switch capability
10 April 2016 - P0501
A life-saving approach for managing CPE sepsis: individualised antibiotic regimen
10 April 2016 - O273
Saving Lives: a state-wide simple intervention using early recognition and prompt management of sepsis
27 April 2013 - P893
Bed-day- and cost-savings for the Irish healthcare system from outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy
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