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27 April 2013 - P859
Relationship between methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) incidence density and MRSA-active antibiotics consumption among 54 VINCat hospitals
27 April 2013 - P860
Hospital antimicrobial consumption surveillance in Germany comes of age: results for 2011 from a voluntary continuous surveillance plus feedback programme
27 April 2013 - P861
Therapeutic audit and feedback of antimicrobial prescriptions on day 7 to improve duration of therapy in a tertiary academic centre in Spain
27 April 2013 - P862
An exploration of the attitudes and beliefs of clinicians on the various barriers and facilitators to implementing antimicrobial stewardship programmes in acute appendicitis
27 April 2013 - P863
From point-prevalence surveys to continuous quality improvement in a teaching hospital in Belgium
27 April 2013 - P864
Selection of hospital antimicrobial-prescribing quality indicators (QIs): a consensus among German antibiotic stewardship (ABS) networkers
27 April 2013 - P865
The impact of two different antimicrobial stewardship interventions on broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing: interrupted time series with segmented regression analysis
27 April 2013 - P866
Clinicians’ approach to microbiological diagnosis in an academic tertiary hospital in Spain: results of a hospital-wide point-prevalence survey
27 April 2013 - P867
Towards a national Australian multicentre antimicrobial prescribing survey tool
27 April 2013 - P868
Using mixed methods research to perform a needs assessment for antimicrobial stewardship in the Australian regional and rural hospital setting
27 April 2013 - P869
Evaluation of an infectious disease consultancy programme in a German university hospital
27 April 2013 - P870
Crossborder comparison of antibiotic use in hospitals within the EurSafety Health-net project
27 April 2013 - P871
Predictors for adequate antimicrobial prescription: the importance of doing the clinical work correctly
27 April 2013 - P872
Can we reduce use of third-generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in lower respiratory tract infections in the emergency department?
27 April 2013 - P873
Prospective observational study of antimicrobial stewardship: it`s almost all about indication and de-escalation/streamlining
27 April 2013 - P874
An intervention study to improve antibiotic therapy: it`s the same same, but different
27 April 2013 - P875
Clinical and microbiological impact of an educational antimicrobial stewardship programme on prescribing practice in a tertiary hospital centre
27 April 2013 - P876
Antimicrobial stewardship interventions in a third level hospitals: acceptance and results
27 April 2013 - P877
Trend toward a stabilisation in antibiotic consumption in French hospitals: good news from the nationwide network "ATB-RAISIN", 2008-2011?
27 April 2013 - P878
Effects of draconian changes in antimicrobial guidelines and increased antimicrobial stewardship ward rounds on the hospital usage of meropenem
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