Rising of ArmA and OXA-23 co-occurrence in Acinetobacter baumannii ST2: an increasingly challenging scenario for antibiotic resistance management in Europe
Antimicrobial activity of cefiderocol against the carbapenemase-producing Enterobacter cloacae complex and characterisation of reduced susceptibility associated with metallo-β-lactamase VIM-1
Assessing the impact of the most relevant chromosomally-encoded and horizontally-acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance mechanisms on resistance to cefiderocol, imipenem/relebactam, cefepime/taniborbactam, cefepime/zidebactam and aztreonam/av
Simultaneous and divergent evolution of resistance to cephalosporin/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations and imipenem/relebactam following ceftazidime/avibactam treatment of MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
Resistance prevention and resistance development dynamics to imipenem and imipenem/relebactam in carbapenem susceptible high-risk clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae KPC Ω-loop-mutants showing ceftazidime/avibactam-resistance
Carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter nosocomialis and Acinetobacter junii conferred by acquisition of blaOXA-24/40 and genetic characterisation of the transmission mechanism between Acinetobacter genomic sp
Resistance mechanisms to cefepime in the presence of novel ß-lactamase inhibitors zidebactam, taniborbactam and enmetazobactam in a Spanish nationwide collection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales
Activity of imipenem/relebactam and cefiderocol against clinical and laboratory Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates expressing blaPDC and blaOXA-type ß-lactamases that confer resistance to ceftolozane/tazobacta
The penicillin-sulfone inhibitor LN-1-255 restores in vitro β-lactam efficacy against a contemporary Spanish collection of Acinetobacter spp. clinical isolates
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