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12 July 2021 - 1484
Phylogenetic analysis of a potential pathogenic Escherichia coli ST457 lineage and its association with ESBL/AmpC genes
12 July 2021 - 1133
Meropenem versus piperacillin-tazobactam for definitive treatment of bloodstream infections caused by AmpC  β-lactamase producing Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter freundii, Morganella morganii, Providencia spp., or Serratia marcescens: a pilot multi-centr
09 July 2021 - 1060
Long-term mortality and cause of death following Gram-negative bloodstream infection: a propensity matched 5-year observational linkage study
24 April 2018 - P2448
Phenotypic and genotypic comparison of the activity of beta-lactams against 3GC resistant E. coli collected from an international randomized controlled trial
24 April 2018 - P2035
Benzylpenicillin versus flucloxacillin for penicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus: is there evidence to support superiority?
23 April 2018 - P1680
Evaluation of meropenem plus tobramycin combination regimens to combat carbapenem nonsusceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa for critically-ill patients with augmented renal clearance via the hollow-fibre infection model and mechanism-based modelling
22 April 2018 - P0651
Epidemiological aspects and clinical outcome of patients admitted to the ICU with bloodstream infections due to carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: a multinational cohort (INCREMENT study)
22 April 2018 - O1121
The MERINO Trial: piperacillin-tazobactam versus meropenem for the definitive treatment of bloodstream infections caused by third-generation cephalosporin non-susceptible Escherichia coli or Klebsiella spp.: an international multi-centre open-label non-in
21 April 2018 - P0162
Prospective evaluation of beta-lactamase detection in penicillin susceptible S. aureus by interpretation of the penicillin disc method
12 April 2016 - O587
Multi-hospital spread of a pan-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clone with an ISEcp1-directed blaOXA-181 insertion into the mgrB gene in the AE
10 April 2016 - P0732
Resistance phenotype prediction from whole genome sequencing data in ESBL or plasmid-AmpC-producing E. coli or K. pneumoniae: results from bloodstream isolates collected during an international multicentre randomized trial
10 April 2016 - P0492
Predictive model of 30-day mortality in a cohort of patients with bacteraemia due to extended spectrum beta-lactamases producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E): The INCREMENT Project
09 April 2016 - EV0651
Integrative multi-omics network analysis of the synergistic killing of polymyxin B (PMB) and chloramphenicol (CHL) combination against an NDM-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) isolate
09 April 2016 - O119
Comparing two predictive models for early mortality of patients with bloodstream infection due to carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: the INCREMENT project
19 April 2008
Antibiotic usage in Queensland public hospitals
31 March 2007
Worldwide Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns among E. coli Isolated from Intraabdominal Infections (IAI): Results from SMART 2005
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