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04 October 2022 - EA57
Pharmacodynamics of WCK 4282 (High Dose Cefepime plus Tazobactam) against βlactamase Producing E.coli
04 October 2022 - EA58
Newly synthesized 5-pyrazolyl substituted 2,4-thiazolidinedione as potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent
04 October 2022 - EA59
Preclinical development of CRS0393 as a novel antimycobacterial agent that inhibits MmpL3
04 October 2022 - EA60
A standard protocol for the murine pneumonia model to evaluate treatments for AMR lung infections
04 October 2022 - EA61
In vivo Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of Meropenem-Nacubactam in Murine Thigh and Lung Infection Models against Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPN) containing OXA-48-like Enzymes
04 October 2022 - EA62
In vivo Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of CRS0540 in the Murine Thigh and Lung Infection Models against Staphylococcus aureus
04 October 2022 - EA64
Novel Bacterial Topoisomerase Inhibitor Gepotidacin Demonstrates Absence of Fluoroquinolone-Like Arthropathy in Juvenile Rats
04 October 2022 - EA64A
Murine Vaginal Infection Models with MDR Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates for Pharmacology Studies
04 October 2022 - EA63
Preclinical evaluation of apramycin as a drug candidate for Mycobacterium abscessus infections
04 October 2022 - EA56
Rapid endpoint method for the quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) subjected to three different treatment regimens within the hollow fibre system (HFS)
14 September 2022 - P4-7
NGS-based molecular typing of veterinary Escherichia coli strains in Germany between 2004 - 2020 from the German national antibiotic Resistance Monitoring (GERM-Vet)
14 September 2022 - P2-7
Increased clonality among Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
14 September 2022 - P6-7
Role of biocides in selection of methicillin-resistant, mec-negative Staphylococcus aureus - two sides of a coin?
14 September 2022 - P5-7
Genomics Data Index: A framework for the indexing, querying, clustering, and visualization of microbial genomes for surveillance and outbreak detection
21 October 2021 - 7
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
09 July 2021 - 7
Analysis of early warning indicators of HIV drug resistance in Ukraine
31 March 2007
HHV-7 primary infection in solid organ transplant recipients
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