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04 October 2022 - EA39
Cannabidiol (CBD) as novel non-traditional antimicrobial candidate targeting methicillin-resistant and vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus
04 October 2022 - EA36
Lysins as Promising Antibacterial Therapeutics Against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli
14 September 2022 - P5-5
Using two complementary bacterial nomenclature systems: MultiLevel Single Linkage (MLSL) and Life Identification Numbers (LIN) codes
14 September 2022 - P4-5
Characterisation and comparison of Klebsiella species from wastewater, healthcare-settings and crops in Quetta City, Pakistan.
14 September 2022 - P1-5
Optimizing conditions for rapid metagenomics screening of multi-drug resistant pathogens with Oxford Nanopore
20 October 2021 - 5
Zoonosis acquired from exotic pets
23 September 2021 - 5
Cyclospora: an important “new” cause of diarrhoea in humans
09 July 2021 - 5
Klebsiella pneumoniae lipopolysaccharides serotype O2afg induce poor inflammatory immune responses ex vivo
13 May 2014 - P1911
HIV-envelope protein gp120 and the chemokine receptor CCR5 interaction mediates activation of the NALP3-inflammasome complex in human hepatic stellate cells
11 May 2014 - P0894
Rapidly growing mycobacteria in Singapore: infections and treatment outcome
11 May 2014 - P0675
Activity of antiretroviral drugs on Leishmania infantum: synergistic effects with essential oils
11 May 2014 - P0573
Effectiveness of a bundle-intervention for reducing catheter-associated bacteriuria in two medical and surgical wards
10 May 2014 - P0278
Subcutaneously administered antibiotics: a national survey of current practice from the French infectious diseases (SPILF) and geriatric medicine (SFGG) societies' network
10 May 2014 - P0378
Widespread increase of carbapenem consumption in acute care hospitals in Catalonia, Spain
10 May 2014 - eP094
Case-control study gastroenteritis: value of molecular diagnostics
10 May 2014 - P0048
Imaging findings of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in immunocompromised children
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