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15 April 2023 - O0216
Tolerability of pulse high dose L-AmB as pre-emptive therapy in patients with high risk for intra-abdominal candidiasis: a phase 2 study LAMBDA study
14 September 2022 - P2-55
Comparison of SNP vs Whole and Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing Schemes for Salmonella enterica Cluster Detection in a National Surveillance Network (PulseNet USA)
23 April 2022 - P1557
Tolerability of pulse high dose liposomal amphotericin B as preemptive therapy in patients with high risk for intra-abdominal candidiasis. Preliminary report of LAMBDA Study: an ongoing phase II study
09 July 2021 - 4673
PulseNet international: integrating pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and whole genome sequencing for bacterial disease surveillance and outbreak investigations by means of suggested image analysis, bioinformatics database and simulation algorithms
09 July 2021 - 1495
Efficacy of vancomycin taper and pulse regimens in Clostridioides difficile infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
19 September 2019
From Pulsenet US to Genome Trakr
19 September 2019
PulseNet USA experience with the implementation of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for foodborne disease surveillance
14 April 2019 - P0862
Virulence potential, antibiotic resistance, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profiling of Campylobacter spp. isolated from children in Iran
14 April 2019 - P1028
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum via Pulse Controlled Amplification, a novel method for rapid pathogen identification at the Point-of-Care
13 April 2019 - P0568
Study of the effect of pulsed washing on antibiotic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms
23 April 2018 - P1538
Efficacy of cefepime / VNRX-5133, a novel broad-spectrum beta-lactamase inhibitor, in a murine bacteraemia infection model with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CREs)
22 April 2018 - O0600
Efficacy of cefepime / VNRX-5133, a novel beta-lactamase inhibitor, against cephalosporin-resistant, ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in a murine lung-infection model
25 April 2017 - P2092
Determination of epidemiological characteristics of animal Brucella strains by multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis in Turkey
24 April 2017 - EP0706
Cost-effectiveness of extended-pulse fidaxomicin (EPFX) versus standard vancomycin (SV) in older patients with Clostridium difficile infection in England
24 April 2017 - P1378
Molecular typing of vancomycin-resistant enterococci: Evaluation of a core genome MLST scheme using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis as the reference method
24 April 2017 - P1429
Investigation of the biofilm-forming capacity of pulsed-field gel-electrophoresis (PFGE)-clonally-related Candida parapsilosis strains isolated from bloodstream infections
23 April 2017 - EP0363
Randomized, controlled, open-label study comparing the efficacy of extended-pulsed fidaxomicin (EPFX) with vancomycin therapy for sustained clinical cure of Clostridium difficile infection in an older population: the EXTEND study
22 April 2017 - P0025
Pulse-field gel electrophoresis of Bordetella pertussis circulating isolates and vaccine strain in Iran from 2009 to 2014
12 April 2016 - EP0023
The effect of pulsed xenon ultraviolet light (UV) on the survival of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 in the environment, an in vitro experiment
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