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17 April 2023 - P2217
The use of hollow fibre infection model to reduce animal experiments in the development of antimicrobial drugs
09 July 2021 - 1144
Exposure to non-antimicrobial drugs and risk of urinary tract infection with drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
09 July 2021 - 1153
Development of E-tests with substances in vitro potentiate the effect of antimicrobial drugs for multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains
13 April 2019 - P0592
Antimicrobial drugs have long-term effects on the gut microbiota
13 April 2019 - O0143
Trends of prescribing antimicrobial drugs for urinary tract infections in primary care in the Netherlands
23 April 2018 - P1456
Evaluation of the biofilm formation ability in Klebsiella pneumoniae under the influence of antimicrobial drugs and chelating agent
10 May 2014 - R019
Complex action of ultrasonic radiation and antimicrobial drugs with immunocorrectors on the phagocytic activity of neutrophils with NETs formation in K. pneumoniae experimental localised infection
24 March 2013
PK-PD of antimicrobial drugs used in the endemic and emerging Mediterranean infections
09 October 2008
Antimicrobial drugs availability - practicing medicine in a world without antibiotics
01 April 2001
Peptide nucleic acid based drugs are effective antibiotics against multiresistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coli
01 April 2001
Drugs based on peptide nucleic acids are efficient antibiotics in vivo against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in the mouse peritonitis/sepsis model
01 April 2001
Pharmacokinetic profiling of novel PNA-based antibiotics in mice
01 April 2001
Is LY333328 glycopeptide a new cell-associated antibiotic? Comparative studies with vancomycin and azithromycin in a model of J774 mouse macrophages
01 April 2001
In vitro activity of daptomycin against pneumococci and streptococci with genetically characterized resistance against fluoroquinolones, erythromcyin, clindamycin, or tetracycline
01 April 2001
A mucoadhesive polymer extracted from tamarind seeds improves intraocular penetration of rufloxacin and enhances the drug efficacy in the topical treatment of experimental bacterial keratitis
01 April 2001
Antibiotic resistance reversal in clinical strains of S. aureus
01 April 2001
Efficacy and tolerability of povidone-Iodine liposome complex in infected knee joints of rabbits
01 April 2001
Antiviral and anticancer properties of macrocyclic pyridinophanes
01 April 2001
Leishmanicidal activity of yuccasaponin MC 3, a new steroidal saponin from Yucca filamentosa L.
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