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13 April 2019 - L0028
Successful Treatment of Two Patients with Candida auris Candidemia with the Investigational Agent, Oral Ibrexafungerp (formerly SCY-078) from the CARES Study
13 April 2019 - L0043
Pharmacokinetic Analysis of SUBA(TM)-Itraconazole Capsules Compared to Conventional Itraconazole Capsules for a 3-Day Loading Dose Regimen and After 15 Days of Administration
13 April 2019 - L0026
Determining the causative agent and optimal duration of antibiotic therapy in patients with diabetes and foot osteomyelitis: BonE BioPsy (BeBoP)-trial
13 April 2019 - L0033
Favourable Clinical Outcome of Two Patients with Candida spp Spondylodiscitis treated with Oral Ibrexafungerp (formerly SCY-078) from the FURI Study
13 April 2019 - L0027
Multi-centre Study to Establish MIC and Zone Diameter Epidemiological Cuf-off (ECOFF) Values for Burkholderia pseudomallei
13 April 2019 - L0035
Delivery efficiency of liposome-encapsulated nucleic acid mimics (LipoNAMs) on Escherichia coli
13 April 2019 - L0038
Truncation of GdpP mediates B-Lactam resistance in mec gene-negative clinical isolates of Staphylococcus lugdunensis expressing unexpected heterogeneous methicillin resistance
13 April 2019 - L0029
Pharmacodynamic Assessment of VRT001-C (Oral Ceftriaxone) vs. Intravenous Ceftriaxone Against Escherichia coli in the Neutropenic Murine Thigh Infection Model
13 April 2019 - L0039
Quantitative characterisation of the interaction between Colistin and macrolide drugs in clinical isolates of Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae using the general pharmacodynamic interaction model.
13 April 2019 - L0041
Activity of meropenem-vaborbactam and single-agent comparators against KPC-producing Enterobacterales isolates from European countries (2016-2018) stratified by infection type
13 April 2019 - L0036
Implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program in a Teaching Hospital in Kuwait: A program that is Long-overdue
13 April 2019 - L0040
Antimicrobial stewardship demand in the development of antimicrobial medical devices
13 April 2019 - L0030
Evolutionary stability of collateral susceptibility networks in clinical Escherichia coli strains
13 April 2019 - L0032
Real-time, minimally invasive penicillin monitoring: a first-in-human evaluation of microneedle-based biosensor technology
13 April 2019 - L0042
High-throughput profiling of drug interactions in Gram-positive bacteria
13 April 2019 - L0034
Healthcare workers' knowledge and attitudes about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance across 30 European Union and European Economic Area Countries
13 April 2019 - L0037
Meta-analysis: influence of route of administration on antimicrobial resistance selection
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