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21 September 2023
Workshop: ‘Fix my manuscript
21 September 2023
Manuscript submission, part 2 - Rejection: when to appeal
21 September 2023
Optimizing your manuscript layout: tables, figures and the online supplement
21 September 2023
Manuscript submission, part 1 - Addressing editors and responding to reviewers
21 September 2023
Writers’ workshop: tips for getting started, writing medical English, and making your editor happy
21 September 2023
Introduction to reporting guidelines
21 September 2023
Science communication: Ensuring good dissemination and real clinical impact and Traditional & social media to promote your findings
20 September 2023
Developing the research question: ensuring originality and feasibility
20 September 2023
The basics of good study design: the hierarchy of evidence
20 September 2023
Checking the literature: what reviews and meta-analyses can tell you
20 September 2023
Biases in research: how to identify and reduce them
20 September 2023
Statistical pitfalls: how to identify & avoid them
20 September 2023
Designing your protocol: setting priorities and defining meaningful outcomes
20 September 2023
Writing successful grant proposals: calls, collaboration, and communication
20 September 2023
Running your study: how to anticipate and deal with study conduct pitfalls
20 September 2023
Insufficient funds: how to develop a realistic study budget
20 September 2023
Interactive session: Common mistakes in study design, conduct and analysis
17 April 2023 - P3484
An evaluation of manual guidebook in the continuity of care clinic: the opportunity for coaching the ambulatory infectious disease knowledge
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