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30 April 2013 - P2277
Evaluation of a new protocol for retrospective diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis: DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and specific recovery of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgM by Western Blot from dried blood spots in Guthrie cards filter paper
30 April 2013 - eP818
Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in hip and knee prosthesis procedures and risk of surgical site infection (SSI): results of the Infezioni del Sito Chirurgico in Interventi di Artroprotesi (ISChIA) cohort study of the Italian Study Group GISIO – SIt
29 April 2013 - P1751
Evaluation of BioPlex 2200 syphilis IgG for the diagnosis of syphilis
29 April 2013 - P2124
Prospective, cross-sectional observational study of documented infections in patients with haematological malignancies
29 April 2013 - P2000
Meningitis bundle for the emergency room: does it work?
29 April 2013 - P2166
Congenital human cytomegalovirus infection: identificaion of new prognostic markers of brain damage in infected fetuses
29 April 2013 - O398
Pneumococcal carriage in young children one year after the introduction of the 13-valent conjugate vaccine in Italy
28 April 2013 - P1558
Correlation between disc-diffusion synergy test and meropenem in vitro-susceptibility in Enterobacteriaceae strains
28 April 2013 - eP718
Potential clinical application of the xTAG-GPP multiplex assay in diagnosis of gatroenteritis: a multicentre Italian study
28 April 2013 - O233
Epidemiological surveillance of measles in the north-central region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy
28 April 2013 - eP725
Gut microbiota in cystic fibrosis: a complex community unveiled by meta-omics approaches
27 April 2013 - R2648
Spread of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: what is changing?
27 April 2013 - R2667
Laboratory diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae pharyngeal and rectal infections by culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
27 April 2013 - R2921
A year in a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) outpatients clinic in Italy: prevalence and characteristics of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis infections
27 April 2013 - eP698
Prospective, cross-sectional observational study of hospitalised patients colonised with carbapenemase-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-KP)
03 April 2012 - P2149
Interaction of Treponema pallidum with microglial cells
03 April 2012 - P2153
Usefulness of an imaging technique for genital Chlamydia infection assessment in the murine model
02 April 2012 - P1785
First Italian experience in clinical practice of the gastrointestinal pathogen panel using a unique multiplexing technology at a Bologna hospital
02 April 2012 - P1921
Tuberculosis infection in young children: a screening based on skin and blood testing
02 April 2012 - P1767
F-18 FDG PET/CT for outcome prediction in pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis
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