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15 April 2019 - P1458
Molecular charactherisation of Escherichia coli strains resistant to carbapenems isolated from a multidrug screening programme in Verona, Italy
24 April 2018 - O0982
The 2017 HAV outbreak in Verona:  transmission from men who have sex with men to the general population
22 April 2018 - P0653
Comparison of mortality associated with carbapenem-susceptible and Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia
25 April 2015 - ENC034
ECC ID 182 - University of Verona, Pathology and Diagnostics, Verona, Italy
25 April 2015 - P0211
Evaluation of susceptibility to polyens and azoles in Aspergillus spp. isolated from cystic fibrosis patients in Verona
30 April 2013 - eP818
Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in hip and knee prosthesis procedures and risk of surgical site infection (SSI): results of the Infezioni del Sito Chirurgico in Interventi di Artroprotesi (ISChIA) cohort study of the Italian Study Group GISIO – SIt
29 April 2013 - P1980
Molecular detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in high risk patients: a cost-effectiveness analysis
29 April 2013 - P1760
Direct Identification of major Gram-negative pathogens in respiratory specimens by lucesco® Pneumonia I Panel, a beacon based FISH identification
29 April 2013 - eP803
Peripheral and total parenteral nutritions as the strongest risk factors for nosocomial candidaemia among elderly patients: a case-control study
28 April 2013 - P1262
Transmission of blaKPC-3 from ST512 Klebsiella pneumoniae to Escherichia coli ST43 in a single patient
28 April 2013 - P1465
Epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing and extensively-drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (XDR-KP), in an Italian university hospital during a 15-month period: January 2011-April 2012
28 April 2013 - P1245
Diversity of carbapenemases in clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae from Croatia; preliminary results of a multicentre study
27 April 2013 - R2833
Epidemiology of candidaemia in an Italian tertiary hospital between January 2009 and June 2012
02 April 2012 - P1724
Detection of KPC carbapenemase with the EasyQ Kpc system, using NASBA technology
02 April 2012 - P1795
Direct identification of major blood culture pathogens by lucesco® bacteraemia I and II panel, a beacon based FISH identification
02 April 2012 - P1704
Molecular characterisation of NDM-1-bearing K. pneumoniae isolates from Croatia
02 April 2012 - P1913
QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube and active tuberculosis treatment: evaluation of IFN-gamma production and immunological asset in pulmonary and extrapulmonary cases
02 April 2012 - P1904
Performance of a commercially available IFN-gamma release assay in body specimens other than blood
01 April 2012 - P1629
Drug interaction: effects of itraconazole on the intestinal pharmaco-metabolising system and ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics
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