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11 July 2021 - 4307
In vitro isolation of 23 SARS-CoV-2 strains circulating in Parma (Italy) during the Italian COVID-19 lockdown: cultivation features and viral morphology
23 April 2018 - P1293
Prevalence of imported malaria in Parma (Italy) during 2000-2017 and comparison of diagnostic tools
23 April 2018 - P1292
Increasing number of imported parasitoses related to migrants in Parma (Italy) during 2014-2017
25 April 2017 - P1982
Gastroenteric infections in Italy: cases reported in the area of Parma in the period January 2011 - April 2016
24 April 2017 - P1392
Epidemiology of human respiratory viruses in children with acute respiratory tract infections in Parma area, northern Italy
23 April 2017 - P0819
Epidemiology of urogenital schistosomiasis observed in Parma (northern Italy), a non-endemic setting during a 14-year period (2002-2016)
23 April 2017 - P1001
Epidemiological profile of diarrhaeagenic pathogens detected by the FilmArray gastrointestinal panel in children with gastroenteritis in Parma, northern Italy
25 April 2015 - P0108
Increased cases of helminthiasis in a tertiary-care hospital in Parma (Italy) during the summer 2014
30 April 2013 - P2261
Prevalence of imported Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri malaria in Parma (Italy)
30 April 2013 - P2293
Epidemiology of intestinal parasitoses in a tertiary-care hospital in Italy: a five-year study
30 April 2013 - eP818
Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in hip and knee prosthesis procedures and risk of surgical site infection (SSI): results of the Infezioni del Sito Chirurgico in Interventi di Artroprotesi (ISChIA) cohort study of the Italian Study Group GISIO – SIt
29 April 2013 - R2706
Phylodynamic analysis of the VP4 gene evolution of P[8] rotaviruses circulating since 1987 in the area of Parma, Italy
29 April 2013 - P1895
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) identification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxigenic strains
29 April 2013 - P1721
Extension of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry to virus identification
29 April 2013 - P1814
Evolution of GII.4 variants and genetic heterogeneity of recombinant noroviruses in Italian children with acute gastroenteritis
29 April 2013 - P1722
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry analysis first time applied to the identification of the pathogenic and non pathogenic spirochetes (Brachyspira spp. and Leptospira spp.) and benefits of database extension
27 April 2013 - R2795
Multidrug-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)-producing enterobacteria: factors associated with community-acquired urinary tract infections in subjects with spinal cord lesions
03 April 2012 - P2391
A 12-year epidemiology report of imported malaria in Parma, Italy
03 April 2012 - P2319
Use of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for analysis of virus-infected cells: a preliminary report
03 April 2012 - P2273
Evaluation of the DNA amplification assay Illumigene^TM system for the diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection
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